Criteria to Wear Nipple Pasties

I came across this article by Elizabeth, (link to article below), and just thought the criteria to wear pasties was hilarious. Although pretty accurate as an unofficial guideline, I think anyone, given the proper venue can wear nipple pasties.
The first criteria, size matters. Well, I don’t agree! To say only women with a small chest can pull off wearing pasties or they will be mistaken as an exotic dancer is crap! In today’s world it seems every one has had a boob job, from stay at home mothers, to doctors. When I’m at event like Fantasy Fest and everyone walks around in pasties, I don’t think, OMG look at all the strippers… lol
Second criteria, must be perky. Well, I agree, but I do see both. SMH
Third criteria, age, hey….if you got it, flaunt it!!! Just like Cher did at the age of 67 in her pasties!
And the last criteria, confidence. Gotta agree there too, I mean slouching wearing pasties would really bring the perky factor down.
So in conclusion, shoulders back, flaunt it if you got it, and don’t worry about being called a stripper!